Information and Consent to Services
I, Shereel Washington, provide herbal, lifestyle and nutritional consultations. I am not a licensed physician nor does any of the work I do is licensed. The work I do is considered alternative or complementary to licensed professions.
I provide herbal recommendations based on years of study in herbalism, nutrition and holistic health. My practice balances modern science and traditional holistic approaches, approaching each person individually.
My education includes certification of completion in Body Systems, Herbal Crafting, and Clinical Herbalism at the California School of Herbal Medicine.
Consent to Herbal Consultations
I, The Client, understand that herbs are considered to be food supplements and are utilized to strengthen and support overall health and wellness. Herbs, along with nutritional suggestions can serve as an excellent adjunct to a medical doctor’s treatment, but are not a substitute for that treatment. An herbalist can neither diagnose nor treat disease.
Risks/Possible Side Effects/Healing Response
The historical record and modern research indicate that the herbs most often used for healthcare have an exceptional safety record. However, adverse events can occur after using any active substance. Side effects that have occasionally been reported after using herbs include headaches, skin rashes and digestive upsets. Such responses usually resolve rapidly. Allergic reactions, although very rare, have been reported. Should adverse reactions occur, I agree to contact my herbalist.
I have read this form and acknowledge that the purposes, goals, potential risks and benefits of service(s) to be performed have been explained to me. I understand my health information will be used and disclosed with this Notice, and I have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of my health information. Further, I have felt free to ask my practitioner questions about proposed services, consent form and other pertinent information and have received satisfactory explanations. I understand that I am free to discontinue service at any time.
I hereby voluntarily consent to herbal consultation.